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The Immigrant’s Song

Train chasing

This time seven years ago, I was traveling the same routes as the migrants seeking sanctuary in Europe- Serbia, Croatia, Hungary. This is a broad, verdant, and deeply storied land that has seen waves of hopeful people for millennia. While the journey is perilous, there is dignity in seeking the same basic human kindness these weary families would show any stranger at their door. This is yet another time of human testing, and the answers have been (par for the course) very binary: higher fences or more bread. Perhaps what has been said is coming true after all- humanity will at some evolutionary point diverge based on fear or acceptance. Or perhaps a middle path yet under-trodden and less understood. Regardless

, mercy to all in this great upheaval, and may that landscape record a triumph of perseverance over desperate gasps of unrealized safety.

And, just to mix it up a little bit, here’s some Gogol Bordello getting real about the immigration experience:


“Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.”
― Brandon Sanderson

Ours is a lopsided world where the production of new things seems to matter more than the refinement of that which has been or is now. Some time ago- I never remember when-  fate gave me a choice; to be a somewhat graded by quantity, or a someone quality. I opted for the latter, which is always better for procrastinators any. No, really- we take the time to refine and are not driven to frenzy over how much we’re outputting. If anything, I’m driven by inputting, and that’s what’ll trip me up more than anything else.

For the past month plus, labor related situations dominated my time (and still do) to a point where writing anything of substance was not just difficult- it was bloody impractical. Sparing the details, suffice it to say my free time began around 1am and ended whenever I was lucky enough to fall asleep. That’s changing now, and I have several pieces I’m working on for Point Be. Yet that old bugbear of Expectation and it’s freakish cub Production keep clawing at the door for scraps, and the unfinished product that is me cannot help but to at least answer the call and toss a few nuggets out there.

So, while these little aphorisms, quips and “thinglets” are but tiny scraps, they’re what I have to share for now. And as the world shares so much with me, it’s only fair.


“I’d rather have a little anxiety-laced courage to make hard decisions now than mediocrity-soaked comfort to sustain good choices not made for longer.”


“He who sees a desert in a heap of dust will not make a planting- he who sees soil shall grow a forest.”


When our outrage and sadness rings across the globe in a collective wailing over the image of a dead refugee child washed up on a luxury beachfront, we have begun to reclaim humanity. When we are on the other shore working to make a world of equal opportunity, forging from brokenness a transcending love of life, then we will have become reclaimed humans.


I’ve lost my kit, but still have the kaboodle. What the hell do you do with a kaboodle?


Random thinglet #4: Whether you’re walking on thin ice, broken glass, wet cement or eggshells- at least you’re walking. The other option is plopping ass downward and saying that it’s plum dandy to be immobilized. The latter is easy- the former can suck. Do the things that suck. The payoff is there’s less ass obstructing your path and more people choosing to participate in The Universe Thing. Go for a walk already. As the old song goes

, “Make the path by walking.”


Random thinglet #3: It’s fine to have pie in the sky ideas, just grow long arms, get a sturdy ladder, and have a patient appetite.


Random thinglet #2: “when things ain’t right, keep your eyes open because there’s always something left.”


Random thinglet #1: “the more you sweep under the rug, the bigger the lump you’ll trip over later.”


I’m being followed by a moon shadow. Thankfully it’s not cyberstalking this time.


When a way of life has a birthday


Audio here.

Jubilee’s birthday is a solemn occasion. Astrologically, Jubilee isa Leo, meaning we’re humble, meek, and never ostentatious. Allow me therefore to don this very somber hat. [I put a basket on my head, in lieu of a proper silly hat]

I was born under the sign of Jubilant and destiny unfolds in its own time, so to stumble down this pathway the planets had to align just so. My best friend found Jubilee first, reporting I’d like it because “there’s jazz.” I wasn’t immediately swayed, there’s all kinds of jazz, and I was then entrenched in another congregation’s committees whose holy book was Robert’s Rules of Order. Yet it was inevitable- the Dances of Universal Peace called me in, the Aramaic Study Circle called me in, then in 1998 you called me in. On the cusp on the Millennium, I’d collaborated a bit on a New Year’s Eve service; when everyone was freaking about Y2K I was freaking about my soul. Midnight struck, the room was lit by candles, everyone sang “This little light of mine,” fireworks boomed around us- and I broke down, right over there. I finally admitted to the Universe that I was a being- what mends that? Looking up from tears I saw light. Light upon light. Ubi Caritas mended me

, Anam Cara mended me, Ishq Allah M’abud Lillah mended me, holding hands and praying with others mended me. Do I still have cracks in me? Oh yeah. We all are a tad cracked, so may it be, as the saying goes “Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light.”

The joy of this community is that we are community. That’s among the many components of the Main Thing. Crossing that doorway, we’re  immersed into an ecosystem where the self is found in the spirit of service; to other humans, fellow creatures, the Earth, the Cosmos, our Ancestors, Successors and in service to This Holy Moment. That right there is legacy.

I’ve heard we Jubilants are too dang upbeat sometimes; that’s a symptom of Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing we’ve gotta live with. It’s what you get for practicing acceptance regardless of belief, loving without question, and giving because it’s a call to life, not a By-Law. Some of you will know the phrase “we can only keep what we have by giving it away;” by that, we are overflowing in an abundance that’s steadfast and changes lives forever because of you.

If Jubilee’s your new thing, wade in the water for a while- it’ll take getting used to but it’s best experienced when you’re soaked and splashing the heck out of each other. It’s our birthday, it’s a party y’all, and when we blow out candles on our cosmic cake consider your wish. Perhaps it’s for us to love more, to stand for justice more, or summon the Holy into sweat-drenched efforts to uplift the shunned more. These are gifts we get to unwrap only by gifting what we have for the good of our crazy, sweet, cracked yet healing world. In the words of a New Radicals song:

“You’ve got the music in you

One dance left

This world is gonna pull through

Don’t give up

You’ve got a reason to live

Can’t forget

We only get what we give.”

With a wink and a clink

Things, well, they’re things lately. Nine out of ten physicists would agree on that, right? These things have been wild. “Wild” means we need to call in either biologists, behaviorists, botanists, or Maurice Sendak. But take it from me- they’ve been wild, to put it mild(-ly), and child, getting through this gauntlet underscathed has been enough work. So below, I have some toasts for you. Perhaps that’s good enough for now. But it’s what I’ve got to give today. Get your water, “special water,” or poice of choison ready.

Noble Banner of the Globe Tooting Unicorn

But before I get there, let me tell you about Friendistan. It’s a country, located kind of all over the place, but mostly here in Asheville. It’s a group of superfriends, besties, beloveds, and our kindred and ilk, who are ever present for each other. While there is a Founding Politburo of five benevolent overlords, there are many Friendistanis. We have our own flag (pictured), our own national anthem (we’ll keep that for special events, but let’s just say it involved metal overdubbed with critters, it’s just not right), but most importantly, our own official toast. It’s not the toast I have for you, but it’s a toast that has been spoken on many an important occasion:

Here’s to ourselves; none better, damn few as good!

It’s a proud sounding thing, but all of us have been through a lot in our crazily bestowed lives, so we’re privileged to have made it through all this to say it. Joshua

, my Best Friend of 29 years, 11 months, and 4 days-ish, through his research of ancient Nordic traditions some time back discovered that ancient toasts included Virtues and praises to the best things in life. So the above toast can also be phrased with elegant and honest simplicity, as we say…

To Friendship!

And that by itself is enough. It’s the truth. It’s what we have, no matter what. That man is meine Beste Freunde and so much more, and had it not been for the very first act of friendship between us on Bus #33 driven by Patsy, our futures would be some weird meshy unknown blown out across the multiverses. As with all of the Friendistanis, and all our relations. This is where we could say among the most ancient toasts of The Americas…

Aho Mitake Oyasin,” Thank You, All My Relations.

Felicity and I often just say “Cheers!,” perhaps followed by a good exhale and the satisfying pronouncement of “fuck” in its many uses, variations, and inflections. Cheers reminds us, that even in the worst of times, that it’s always a cheering thing to be in the company of friends. It’s the bottom line. My compadre and mentor Howard will say, “To all good things!” which for the time being keeps the beasties at bay because all things, wild though they may be, all things are created, and that creation was not a bad idea at the time, and thus all things are inherently good. It’s been a “week” people, let me stretch it a little.

So that brings me to this rather long toast. Ok, it’s not really written for drinking (unless you’re a patient person). It’s more of a back deck or front porch staring off into space kind of toast. A moonrisen, cicada chanting, thinking out loud sort of toast. But as I’ve said in the beginning, it’s what I’ve got.  If this week were a hit and run driver it’d be the kind of uninsurable person who reverses and backs over a couple of times for good measure. This toast is my way of saying, “I’m not dead yet,” or “the tire tracks come out in the wash.” It’s through the power of friendship, community, and the sweet sweet Unknowable Source of Cosmic Coinky-dinks I’m already back on the road, and waving this week and its terrible driving buh-bye.

So, whatever you have, raise ’em if you got ’em:

Here’s to things that happen for a reason, or no good reason, but you make something reasonable out of it anyway.

Here’s to chance encounters, sudden reminders of old but deep connections, and the unabashed power of friendship- old, new, or mended.

And here’s to holding on;
-to your values when faced with devaluation,
-to that which serves and deserves you,
-and to each other, for each one of us is but a tempest tossed spark of life, lit for a second, bright as all get out when we stick together.

What a difference a YAY makes!

To friendship, love, the paradoxes to come, and living life on overkill!


Because typing this would’ve killed me & robot translation- not so much.

For extra fun

, if you even dare to watch a video of me driving and talking to myself, turn on the Closed Captioning option. YouTube is quite hilarious in trying to figure me out. My favorite line that I didn’t say: “This is how I listened in this moment: running, saying OK, on it ever since it runs the mapping, by golly gosh I am lows on going there! Taste my home and crazy ass medicine, that is tasted feebly on the animals.” Then again, I think I talk like that all the time.

Thirty Nine Feels

Whoops, thought I turned it off. Instead, I entered the monolith.

“I feel” is now.

“I feel” is that I am.

“I feel” is not a crime.

“I feel” is factual; disprove it.

“I feel” is not in opposition to logic.

“I feel” is not a defense, offense, or diagnosis.

“I feel” is harmless unless you choose to be harmed.

“I feel” is the testament of my inmost temple, it is my truth.

“I feel” is brave, fully valid, created by the world but made by me.

“I feel” is not for sale, cannot be copied, but is free to be shared with attribution.

“I feel” is my drum; here, put your ear upon my chest, it cannot be denied even after I die.

“I feel” is my origin, my first name, my Eden, the tidal pools

, the swamps, treetops and fire-lit caves.

“I feel” is no less real than a touch, an embrace, a chokehold, checking for pulse (I feel yours, do you feel mine?).

“I feel” is not your scapegoat, to be thrown under the bus, shall not be moved like a rock upon the shore, shall not be…

“I feel” is appropriate for the workplace, crying from the schools, seeping into laboratories, and dancing in the damn streets.

“I feel” is what there is to cling to at the end of the day, staring back from the mirror, but unlike anything else, changeable.

“I feel” is the river of my life, never the same water, ever changing, ebbing and flowing, sustaining and flooding.

“I feel” is not made of words, even breath, but everything my awkward body summons to look you in the eye.

“I feel” is not defensive, cannot be labelled wrong, segregated, outlawed or killed- it outlives me in you.

“I feel” is an awkward wallflower at a party and a fecund wildflower bursting with late-spring pollen.

“I feel” is a journey that took so long for me to begin; call it foolhardy, it’s too late to stop.

“I feel” is frequently dizzy, needing time to adjust back to now from all the turning.

“I feel” is informed by everyone, every experience, how can you judge that?

“I feel” is no greater than any other being- it’s constellated thusly.

“I feel” is just one half of the upcoming untelevised revolution.

“I feel” is fully completed when I wholly affirm “You Feel.”

“I feel” is spread wide, from my bone to the moon.

“I feel” is subject to change without notice.

“I feel” is not a free pass for stupid.

“I feel” is a receipt for existence.

“I feel” hopes you understand.

“I feel” won’t replace “I think.”

“I feel” is Holy and Profane.

“I feel” is my first thought.

“I feel” is to be my last.

“I feel” serves me.

“I feel” will be.

“I feel” was.

“I feel” is.

Reality Bites

[Edit: Thank you dictation software- just sayin’, typing isn’t coming easy, but it never really has]

Everything that happens to the I that is you is an opportunity to evaluate: “am I passively receiving, am I for whatever reason turned off, or am I passionately active?” When an out of the blue thing happens, even something unpleasant, there’s a choice in what to do with it. Just as you have a choice to face down a test with an “I’m gonna fail” mentality or its opposite, and see which one turns out. In my practice, (I can actually say practice now in the full sense, as I’ve passed my Boards, yay) I spell it out clearly: Victim or Victor, what’ll it be? But we’ve got to get beyond the duality-beast that always hangs us up, so up comes a third option, the Viewer- the passive observer of a reality that can bite, or bless, or blah.  It’s a step away from the falsehood of dichotomy and a step closer to the broad spectrum of gray that is much more apparent to our gray matter than our materially-oriented gazing.

But what the hell, let’s throw more Vs in there with this Latin charge to claim your cosmic oomph: “Vi veri veniversum vivus vici.” What’s this about? “I, while living, have [conquered] the Universe,” wherein the bracketed can also be translated as “won, triumphed, or mastered.” That phrase goes way back, and has its roots in ancient mystery schools and in modern culture is a gang sign for uber-geeks that read comics about revolutionaries. Winning doesn’t have to be an Alexander the Great kind of deal, it can be an “I made it through some difficult hours or days,” which for so many of us is conquering enough. Breathing clearly for a day can be winning. Taking a damn walk- yes, a damn walk outside your house- can be winning. So can any odd thing, at least I believe it so; a clearly damming and awful thing can get ya, sic ya, mangle you up a tish- and you still come out smiling, because as the Mynabirds sing

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, you choose the perspective:

“What we lose in the fire

We gain in the flood;

What we lose in the fire

Is never gone.”

Last Saturday night, something happened that caused me great physical pain- but I have a choice- succumb to pain and seek pity, ignore it and lose a chance to experience, or accept it and engage the interestingness and novelty of it, pry into the being-ness on this organism that can dare say for a brief moment in cosmic time “I Am.” There’s meaning, lessons, poetic metaphor, and a bunch of jokes which accompany the latter choice- and most of the jokes I make are pretty wrong. As for me, I revel in the opportunity to feel, even if it’s pain, because this thing called “body” is a reminder that existence is an entropy-dance, but one that can be so mesmerizing. There’s aspects of this that event suck, sure, but what takes more energy- pursuing to un-suck the suck out of a situation, or making use of what’s already there and learning about pain, nerves, skin, and a bit of animal psychology? Specifically, canine psychology, and my human arms are so tasty and tender?

Cheeks in tongues aside, dog maulings have affected me before every personally, but even worse many children and other vulnerable people are killed yearly from large aggressive breed dog attacks. Just last week, a 6 year old boy, not far from here… this is just my arm. Context changes everything. Whatever I’m experiencing, which is novel anyway, does not compare to that family’s suffering. The holes in my arm are not to fret over, especially where there’s holes left that are not remotely as easily mended. Every day we wake up, we’re lucky to be alive, as we are just a cellular player in the thin living biosphere’s life cycle, not ever it’s Top Dog.

Maybe it’s just me, I’m a bit weird, but these occurrences give us a chance to unplug from victim mentalities (it happened to me!) and thinking errors that we are somehow independently segmented from Creation. Then willingly, we plug into the power of being the Universe and all that comes with it, and maybe that rewrites the script of big canine jaw punctures not as a horror or tragedy, but just as thing that happens, an “existence tax,” a consequence of being here/now on a biological level. As such, it’s a reminder that we belong to an immense reality, by way of an OH HELL NO FUCK THIS HURTS LIKE A SUMMBITCH GET IT OFF NOW kind of way.

Reality does bite, but it’s how we eat.

Testing Being Tested

I’m in Charlotte, in a monk’s cell of a motel room, the night before I take my Boards. I’m 50% confident in my studying, 50% surrendering to having to wave a white flag on the battlefield of multiple choice.  At my ordination, a compañera of mine in the wild and woolly world of Asheville clergy, Priestess Byron Ballard, reminded me that I will be tested, and boy howdy was she right (as I anticipated, but you never know how). Heading here I first had to swing up to Greensboro, travelling the same stretch of road both ways. It was a day job function; visiting a treatment facility, rubbing shoulders with many of the same colleagues who flock to such gatherings, handshakes, hugs, and well-rehearsed but nonetheless heartfelt spiels, all of us delicately maneuvering toward the door in batches.

On the way to Greensboro, I was taken by a graceful thing…  a white feather dancing above the endless pushing crowd of autos.  What an “Other” among everything within that eye-blink

, an exceedingly natural word among a chorus of synthetic language. Everything for that second- save for my own marginal “control” of my own crowd pushing steed- faded into that pirouetting white feather.  From our own personal memories and meanings derived from finding and encountering feathers, to their ancient connotations as symbols of communication made from this world to divine realms as traces left behind by Deities and Angels, feather-finding has significance. It subtracts the ordinary, just as it punctuated my otherwise NPR-soothed commute with waltzing other-worldliness.

My drive from Greensboro to Charlotte was not without some degree of anxiety, as it represented the final phase in preparing to take this test, one that has been years in coming.  All of the studying, the remembering, mnemonic devices and endless lists and of meaningless words I have in my head as garlands of otherwise unrelated letters designed to catapult me over a mythic yet bureaucratic boundary all come to some form of closure in this final stretch of road to the Queen City. I have been relatively calm about all of this.  I have come to a sort of peace, a degree of surrender, relief without even knowing whether I will pass or fail this test.  That perhaps is passing already.  Because it is so easy to become entrapped and beholden to a fate that has not yet revealed itself, leaving one helpless in the moment.  I’ve had my time on this planet wriggling in fear and worry, now is the time to breathe, to “know what I know… [to] sing what I said” à la Paul Simon:

“…I said who am I
To blow against the wind?

I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head.”

I was very much in my head on the drive to Charlotte on at same stretch of roadway.  Little did I realize until I saw it, but I was in the exact same place where that feather was dancing earlier.  How did I know?  Because I saw a white feather dancing in the wind, above the cars, this time on my side of the road.  And what was startling about all of this was that, in this space, I could see skid-marks , traffic cones, some shredded fencing, and a downed light pole. I’m not kidding.  Take from that what you will, total coincidence or some kind of psychospiritual happenstance, but I cannot deny that dancing feather was meaningfulness waiting to happen for all of the eyes watching it, for surely I was not the only one that caught sight of such brilliance. Just as graceful as that famous moment in cinema of the windblown plastic bag in American Beauty, just as ominous, but just as open to what you make of it. It is what it is, portentous or merciful, what have you. Because of that now completed image, a diorama of dance, I feel I’ve been offered a great preparation for the test, The Test, and being tested. So have all of the possible witnesses today. The answer to the question posed by the feather is not multiple choice, however; it’s fill in the blank. There’s no answer key to be found on the internet or in expensive books. It’s a thinker, and the correctness of your answer is only something that experience uncovers.

I’ll share my best guess, and strategically on tests your best guesses are “umbrella answers,” the most comprehensive. While this could be total bullshit, I think my answer posed by the dancing spectacle will be “it is.” Because that’s all I’ve got, that’s all I need to see that holy moment as; something transformative. How, in the course of three hours, can a single feather remain in one spot on a crazy highway where coincidentally there’s evidence of a violent car accident? I have no Earthly clue, other than, “it is.” And that is amazing, and more than enough for me to have confidence in Otherness lurking about.  “It is” exceeds the knowledge any clinician can display on a computerized standardized test, and a kind of knowledge that I cannot dare to fathom, but merely am left to marvel upon, jaw agape, on the same wavelength as a box of rocks.

Whether I fail or pass tomorrow, I feel good enough knowing that every layer of lacquer we brush on ourselves to make us look more important by way of positions and titles held is no match for a feather, which weighs nothing, and is shed from a being that knows in its blood and bone how to soar.

Let that be good enough.

Introduction: Bellringer

Welcome to Point Be, a collection of brief weekly meditations as inspired by a new transformative journey I’ve begun with a beautiful community called Jubilee!, here in Asheville NC. I accepted ordination from that joyous gaggle last week, which was/is/will be a wildly transformative experience. Below is the text of a micro-homily I gave that morning, and it’s both a test of this new site and serves as my first entry. Welcome friends.

Last Week I was in SC with Candace, our minister with Columbia’s Jubilee Circle. Then, the most controversial piece of cloth in the US waved silently in the Solstice sun behind the state house. Now, I’m tearing up at a cartoon of a confederate flag descending, the rainbow flag ascending- while Charleston’swounded families show the world what radicalforgiveness looks like. What a week for Amazing Grace! Can I get an Oh Yeah?

The Story of today begins when I was a 3-ish year-old toe-headed daydreaming ragamuffin when my first transcendent, spiritual experience. I grew up in NewCastle Delaware, a colonial town with a church at its heart that began construction in 1598. At three, that church was a huge jungle gym that creaked and glistened. One Sunday, the important looking people in the balcony invited the boy in oversized Navy Blues to come and pull the rope

, ringing the bells during a sunshiny Eucharist. Some of you know that I really put a lot-sometimes too much- effort into volunteering my time. Well…

I may not have been eating my spinach but the result of that pull lifted me way up into the air, and the robed folks around me tugged me back to Earth with muffled laughter. I had flown! I was Superman, but also much more, the sound of that bell vibrated something in me, shook loose a screw, and I yanked again when they thought it was all over, the bells clanged, I laughed, and savored again for those few seconds ecstatic flight, boundlessness, maybe a force that drew me to that God Thing I was supposed to begin noticing and minding.

Like birds, spaceships, shooting stars, for mere seconds, I shared a communion with the improbable, the nameless. Meanwhile,the city of New Castle heard bells ringing slightly out of order. Surely, some townsfolk noticed.The rung bell is an ancient call to attention. Something is happening, is changing, people, draw ye near. When those bells ring, it’s not about the bell ringer, it’s the bell. It’s the message, not the messenger.//If I had a bell, I’d ring it in the morning,I’d ring it in the evening, All over this land. //For every hung-up person int he whole wide universe …we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing. Or,apropos to marriage equality- or queer lil’ ol’ me, you can ring my bell! Jubilants, 39 years passed since I was first lifted into the lofty air of another church called Immanuel, a name pregnant with meaningfulness today. Emanuel: God is with us,through us, as us, and still mysterious unto us. What we do know is that we have each other, and in this place we call Jubilee, we ring bells calling us to attention and intention, regardless of our personal understanding of God. Holding hands after the bell sounds- feeling the warmth, the pulse of life, the very exhalation of stars, momentary expressions of a Universe that stumbledupon a formula called you. As we move onward from this holy moment, I thank you for the honor you bestow, and ask you- to whom will you offer the bell to today? And when the bell rings, how will you answer?


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